Mission, Vision And Value

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our mission

Being in the people business can mean difficult decisions and tough conversations. We believe in going into every meeting with a desire and ability to be genuine and compassionate. We are all people, and people make mistakes. We’re here to help you fix those, without risk or judgment, and move forward. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

our Vision & Our purpose

Balancing the Opportunities of Today With The Needs Of Tomorrow.

At Herrington, we are a renowned global consulting firm committed to collaborating with business and societal leaders in overcoming their most critical challenges and seizing their greatest opportunities. Our achievements are rooted in fostering deep collaboration and cultivating a global community of diverse individuals who are dedicated.

We have highly skilled engineers with excellent technical knowledge and experience in using the latest software standards. We have built a large pool of knowledge that we apply to deliver solutions that meet client’s needs, expectations and budget.

Insight to Light

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Drive Inspired Impact

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Lead With Integrity

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Grow by Growing Others

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Constant Value of
Reliability & Responsibility.

At Herrington, we believe building trust builds better business. To cultivate trust, four basic core values guide our behavior in all aspects of our business.

Excellence in Everything
A commitment to strive relentlessly, be innovative and to constantly improve ourselves, our teams, our services and products.
Integrity and Transparency
We honor our commitments to clients, to each other, and to the company. We take ownership of our work and hold ourselves.
Focus on the Client
We recognize that people drive success. We work together, both as a company and with our clients, to share knowledge.
Leadership by Example
A commitment to set standards in our business and transactions and be an exemplar for the industry and our own teams.
Result With Unparalleled Services
4 Point strives to provide “white glove” service to all of our clients, team members, and candidates. With the majority of our team having Masters degrees or beyond.
Pursue Holistic Impact
We conduct ourselves and our business affairs in accordance with the highest ethical standards, striving always to be a respected corporate citizen worldwide.

Let’s Collaborate with Us!

From an early stage start-up’s growth strategies to helping existing businesses, we have done it all! The results speak for themselves. Our services work.


Contact With Us!

10255 Commerce Drive, Carmel, IN, United States, Indiana.

Call us: (463) 800-5378

Mon – Sat: 8.00am – 18.00pm / Holiday : Closed


Charlotte Sophia

Human Resources Manager

Phone Number: (234) 109-6666 


As a pillar to CID Consulting, Mr. Fahmy brings significant perspective and talent in institution building, communication and human resource development with the Private sector. Mr. Fahmy is the current CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt (AMCHAM).

business association of the region. Mr. Fahmy served as Deputy Director of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies and serves on the board of a variety of private enterprises. He is duly recognized for his prominent contribution to important advances in Egypt’s business environment.


Aclimandos joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt in 1983. He was elected to the board of governors in 1987 and re-elected in 1988 and 2007. Donor Programs committees, and as vice president, membership from 2001 to 2005. Aclimandos was elected President of AmCham Egypt in 2013 and served for two consecutive terms till 2017.